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About us

Click to zoom the imageGRUAU is a French manufacturer who designs heavy duty equipments for the green spaces.
The company wants to meet the specific need of every professional. This state of mind can be found in each step of the life of our machines.
Since 1993, we do the best debris loaders, lawnseeders, ATV trailers, ATV flail mowers and this is recognised more and more all over EUROPE. All the machines are made in our French factory to be able to control every detail.
Click to zoom the imageLes points forts de la SARL GRUAU:

  • Equipe dynamique avec un savoir faire reconnu.
  • Equipements de production modernes.
  • Produits répondant aux normes et homologations les plus strictes en partenariat avec les organismes officiels.
  • Fabrication française de qualité.
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SARL au capital de 45734 e- code APE 2830 Z N° DE SIRET 390 516 409 000 13- RCS Issoudun B 390 516 409-
N° DE TVA FR 20 390 516 409